At Stockmen's Livestock, we believe that keeping in touch is important. We have several ways for you to reach us. If you would like to consign or buy livestock, or if you have any questions, please contact us using the method most convenient for you: By mail: P.O. 1209 Dickinson, North Dakota 58602
Stockmens Livestock: (701) 225-8156 Stockmens West: (701) 225-8145 By Fax: (701) 483-8153
By Email: Stlx@gostockmens.com
You can also contact these field representatives individually:
Austin Henderson - Cell Phone: (701)471-2673
John Fischer - Cell Phone: (701)290-1606
Dan O'Donnell - Cell Phone: (406)939-0526
Jim Erickson - Home: (701)225-1610 - Cell: (701)290-4861
Larry Schnell - Home: Cell: (701)290-1858
Office hours are 8:00am to 5:00pm, Monday through Friday. You can Fax or Email us anytime.