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HELP WANTED: Stockmen's Livestock has several open employment positions for interested individuals including sale day riders, penners, sorters, etc. Please check out our new Facebook page and follow!!
Stockmen's is now broadcasting on Cattleusa. To be approved to bid please contact us and have finanical institution contact information ready for us, or have them contact Stockmen's.
* We are receiving a lot of phone calls from people not getting their checks as soon as they’d like to get them. This is due to how the USPS handles our mail and unfortunately this is out of our control. Checks are mailed out to consignors the day after the sale. If you would like to receive your check sooner, please call the office the day before or sale day and let them know you would like to pick it up. We will gladly hold it for you. Thank You for Understanding*
Thur., Sept. 19 - East - REGULAR SALE plus WEIGH UP SPECIAL 8am
Friday, Sept. 20 - West - SIMON HORSE BUYING STATION 8am-4pm
Thur., Sept. 26 - East - REGULAR SALE & YEARLING SPECIAL 10am Expecting 1500-2000 yearlings
Thur., Oct. 3 - East - YEARLING & NEW CROP CALF SPECIAL Expecting 1500 yearlings & new crop calves
Thur., Oct. 10 - East - ALL BREED CALF SPECIAL 1500 calves already consigned
Tue., Oct. 15 - West - ALL BREED CALF SPECIAL 2000+ calves expected
Thur., Oct. 17 - East - ALL BREED CALF SPECIAL 3500 calves consigned
Tue., Oct. 22 - West - ALL BREED CALF SPECIAL 3000+ calves consigned
Thur., Oct. 24 - East - ALL BREED CALF SPECIAL 4000+ calves consigned
Tue., Oct. 29 - West - ALL BREED CALF SPECIAL w/ CHAROLAIS INFLUENCE 3500+ calves consigned
Thur., Oct. 31 - East - ALL BREED CALF SPECIAL w/ RED ANGUS INFLUENCE 4500+ calves consigned
Senate Agriculture Committee Chairwoman Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., pushed back on comments that she wants to add immediate aid to farmers as part of a farm bill extension. Still, some key Republican senators are calling for an aid package for farmers.
Fears are increasing that the ILA and USLX will likely not reach an agreement on their current contract that expires Sept. 30, 2024, opening the door for a strike on Oct. 1, 2024.
Despite national restrictions placed on the use of the pesticide malathion, a new lawsuit alleges the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service violated the Endangered Species Act in issuing a key biological opinion.
The National Corn Growers Association (NCGA) and the American Soybean Association (ASA) expressed frustration with a recently released recommendation by the U.S. Department of Commerce to impose preliminary countervailing duty rates on imports of the herbicide 2,4-D.
Corn condition was rated 64% good to excellent, and soybean condition was rated 65% good to excellent as of Sunday, Sept. 8. Spring wheat was 85% harvested.
Sen. Jerry Moran, R-Kan., on Monday said key lawmakers in Congress are looking at passing an extension of the farm bill that would boost support for commodity producers. That move could provide aid to farmers while lawmakers work out other details on a five-year bill.
The Federal Reserve cut benchmark interest rates by a half percentage point on Wednesday, shifting its concerns from inflation to containing unemployment. Farmers, like most business owners, will only feel the relief slowly.